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STEM 2023: girls get into the game!

Date From 20.06.2023 time
End Date To 21.07.2023 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , Pisa 56127 Italia

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For the 2023 edition of the project STEM: Girls get into the game! is planned to organize two residential guidance courses, completely free of charge, involving 75 promising girls in the 4th year of high school from all over Italy. The program offers participants the opportunity to interact and engage with professors, researchers, professionals and students in STEM fields, visit the main science and technology laboratories and enjoy the experience of the Sant'Anna's campus. The courses will take place on June 20-23 and July 18-21. This initiative receives financial support from the Talento all'Opera Foundation and is supported by PagoPA, which has confirmed its commitment for next year's editions as well, confirming its continued focus on guidance and university training, which combine with the recognition of merit.